Stacy's Bougie Brownies feat. Maple Chaitastic Pecans


@seahorse.snacks Need something sweet for the weekend? Try Stacy’s Bougie Brownies! All you need is brownie box mix, Maple Chaitastic Pecan, mini semisweet chocolate chips, and caramel sauce! An easy-to-bake sweet treat to share with your favorite people 💜 #fyp #seahorsesnacks #keepsnacking #picktnproducts #sweettreats #fortheweekend #dessertrecipe #brownies #recipe ♬ original sound - Seahorse Snacks




Stacy's Bougie Brownies

ACTIVE: 15 minutes | TOTAL: 35 minutes | MAKES: 12-24 brownies


1 box of brownie mix (and other necessary ingredients)

2/3 cup of Maple Chaitastic Pecans, roughly chopped

1/3 cup of mini chocolate chips

About 1/4 cup of caramel sauce, can be adjusted to taste


1) Prepare brownies to box instructions, set aside. Roughly chop the Maple Chaitastic Pecans, put to the side.

2) Stir in the mini chocolate chips with the brownie batter, as well as the Maple Chaitastic Pecans. Fold in the toppings.

3) Spray a 9x13 pan and evenly spread the brownie batter throughout. Top with caramel sauce in three horizontal lines, then take a butter knife in a swirling pattern to spread throughout the top.

4) Bake according to box instructions. Check with a toothpick to ensure brownies are cooked through. If the toothpick is clean, the brownies are ready! Let cool, then cut and enjoy.